Create A Github Account
Step 1: Visit the GitHub web site
Step 2: Create an account
Step 3: Select a plan
Step 4: Set up SSH authentication with GitHub
Mac users
Type this in the terminal:pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pubLinux users
Type this in the terminal:sudo apt-get install xclip xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pubWindows users
Type this in the terminal:clip < "%userprofile%\.ssh\"Add your SSH key to GitHub
Step 5: Confirm SSH Authentication
Type this in the terminal:ssh -T git@github.comExpected result:The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?Expected result:Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.Next Step:
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