Command Line
Step 1
Step 2
Type this in the terminal:ls
Step 3
Type this in the terminal:pwd
Step 4
Type this in the terminal:cd workspaceType this in the terminal:pwd
Step 5
Type this in the terminal:mkdir railsbridge_rubyType this in the terminal:ls
Step 6
Type this in the terminal:cd ~Type this in the terminal:pwd
Step 7
Type this in the terminal:cd -Type this in the terminal:pwd
Step 8
Expected result:pwd
Step 9
Type this in the terminal:cd ~ ls cd workspace cd raiExpected result:cd railsbridge_rubyType this in the terminal:pExpected result:Display all 203 possibilities? (y or n)Type this in the terminal:y
pwd print working directory print the full path to your current directory ls list directory display the contents of the current directory cd [directory] change directory make this directory the current directory man [cmd] manual show the manual for this command. press 'q' to quit.
Next Step:
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